CSTheory@Kaiserslautern is a working group hosted by CS Department at RPTU and MPI-SWS (Max Planck Institute for Software Systems in Kaiserslautern). The working group comprises researchers interested in theoretical computer science (a.k.a. Algorithms and Deduction) and connections with fields including algorithms and complexity of verification problems, algorithmic group theory, automated reasoning, automata theory, concurrency theory, cyber-physical systems, database theory, interactive theorem proving, game theory, logic, machine learning theory, and programming languages.
Major Achievements:
- 5 ERC grants in the last 7 years
- DFG-projects (spokesperson of DFG KI-FOR 5359 and co-organizer of DFG SPPs 2331 and 2364, and DFG Emmy-Noether program grantee)
- ETAPS doctoral dissertation award
- Google Most Influential Papers Award
- ANDEA Test-of-Time Award
- Supervision of ACM Student Research Competition - Undergraduate and Graduate Winners
The purpose of the working group is two-fold:
- Research collaboration (including joint seminars and projects)
- Educate students at RPTU interested in theory (including courses, etc.)